One week until the Australian Hydrogen Conference (West)
Learn about the very latest policy, technology and project announcements from across Australia in Perth this December

Informa Connect along with the Australian Hydrogen Council is proud to bring you the Australian Hydrogen Conference (West) on the 6-7 December at the Crown Perth, WA.
The event will bring together the hydrogen sector’s most eminent energy leaders to explore the latest emerging projects, challenges, opportunities and lessons and help shape the future of this rapidly expanding sector not only in Australia’s West, but also across the nation and overseas.
Speakers include representatives from government, peak bodies, international research leaders, local energy and resources companies; as well as experts in export, investment and policy.
Attendees will be privy to cutting edge intelligence regarding:
- The latest WA Government announcements on the state’s hydrogen plans
- Key project updates from WA hydrogen proponents, and many other players from across Australia
- A review of key exports markets in Europe and Asia, and viewpoints of some of the major hydrogen buyers
- The role that hydrogen will play in Australia’s national electricity market going forward
- A comprehensive roundup of State Government hydrogen initiatives from across Australia
- The latest advances in hydrogen mobility, and refueling networks being established on the east and west coast
- New initiatives and plans to blend hydrogen into some of Australia’s pipeline networks
- Exploration initiatives/opportunities for natural/golden hydrogen
- The latest advances in new pipeline technologies that will facilitate storage and transportation of green hydrogen
- The potential for electrolyser manufacturing capability to be developed in Australia
- Water management and utilisation technologies and strategies for this new industry
- Common user infrastructure considerations to facilitate various hydrogen clusters around the country
- Port logistics and infrastructure planning to enable a hydrogen export industry
- Case studies of industrial applications for hydrogen to decarbonise heavy industry
- Skilling and workforce planning to meet the surging demand for qualified staff
- Tech showcases of the latest hydrogen technologies