Register now for the Australian Hydrogen Research Conference 2023

The Australian Hydrogen Research Conference 2023 has extended early bird registration prices until Monday night


The first Australian Hydrogen Research Conference (AHRC) which is organised by the Australian Hydrogen Research Network (AHRN) will take place in Canberra over three days from February 8, 2023.

The AHRC will provide high level plenary overviews of research in the field, along with specialised keynote presentations, parallel invited speaker sessions, discussion panels and poster sessions.

The Conference will cover all aspects of hydrogen research ranging from the fundamental science and engineering of hydrogen generation, storage and transport, to the enabling disciplines of economics, regulation, security, sociology and policy applied to a future hydrogen economy.

Highlights of AHRC will include three discussion panels, two of which will be chaired by highly regarded women in the hydrogen sector.

  1. Industry Discussion Panel chaired by Dr Fiona Simon, CEO of the Australian Hydrogen Council.
  2. Policy Discussion Panel, chaired by a member of the DCCEEW Hydrogen Strategy Team.
  3. Key Questions for Hydrogen Research chaired by Dr Cathy Foley, Australia's Chief Scientist.

Another highlight will be two research tours for delegates, registration for which will be launched in January 2023.

One hydrogen field trip will include a visit to Australia’s first publicly-available hydrogen refuelling station and hydrogen test facility. ActewAGL’s hydrogen refuelling station is designed to serve 20 Hyundai Nexo hydrogen vehicles, part of the ACT Government fleet, with additional limited capacity for privately-owned hydrogen vehicles. The Evoenergy and the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) testing facility enables testing of how hydrogen interacts with pipeline network materials, work practices and equipment.

Also included will be a visit to Geoscience Australia’s Repository, where visitors will be able to view samples of salt rocks (up to 800 million years old) potentially suitable for salt cavern construction and underground hydrogen storage.

In parallel to the Hydrogen Field Trip, ANU will be hosting tours of their world leading hydrogen research facilities on hydrogen production, storage and use.

Tickets are limited and early bird rates can save you up to $800.

For more information about the conference and registration, go to the website here.

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